Publications and working papers
McLaughlin, Eoin, Cristian Ducoing and Les Oxley.
"Tracing Sustainability in the Long Run Genuine Savings Estimates 1850 - 2018"
McLaughlin, Eoin, and Cristian Ducoing.
"Genuine savings and economics for the Anthropocene."
Knowledge For The Anthropocene: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021. 157.
"Weak Sustainability Trends in the Andean and Nordic Countries: A Historical Perspective"
Natural Resources and Divergence. A Comparison of Andean and Nordic Trajectories. Palgrave 2021.
Cristian Ducoing.
"Exportaciones mineras y desarrollo sustentable en Chile: Una visión de largo plazo (1850–2020)." Anuario Centro de Estudios Económicos de la Empresa y el Desarrollo 16 (2021).
Blum, Matthias, Ducoing, Cristián and Mclaughlin.
"A Sustainable Century? Genuine Savings in Developing and Developed Countries, 1900–2000" in National Wealth: What is Missing, Why it Matters. OUP (2017)